
2017 Conference

The combined faculties of Horry-Georgetown Technical College, Trident Technical College, and Chattanooga State Community College are delighted to host the 52nd annual TYCA-SE conference, February 22-25, 2017, in beautiful Charleston, South Carolina.  HGTC and TTC will share the local arrangements duties, and ChSCC will again cover the conference programming.  We’re very excited to bring TYCA-SE back to South Carolina!


Conference Speakers

Bret Lott teaches creative writing at the College of Charleston.  Former editor of LSU’s Southern Review, Lott is a resident of Charleston and the author of multiple novels and short story collections, including Jewel, which was selected for Oprah’s Book Club in 1991 and was adapted to film in 2001.

Josephine Humphreys, a Charleston native, is a successful novelist and former English teacher.  Humphreys has been the recipient of the Hemingway Foundation/PEN Award, a Guggenheim Fellowship, and the American Academy of Arts and Letters Award in Literature. Her novel Nowhere Else on Earth won the 2001 Southern Book Award, and her best-known novel, Rich in Love, was adapted to film in 1993.  



The conference will be held at the Hyatt Place-Historic District.  The room rates are $169 for a single or double, $179 for a triple, and $189 for a quad.  These rates include free breakfast.  Direct booking is available here. or by calling Hyatt Place Charleston/Historic District Hotel (1-800-993-4751) and requesting travel for business with the TYCA Southeast Regional Conference Room Block. 

The TYCA discounted rate can be booked until February 2nd, 2017.


“Confluent Teaching: Merging Tradition and Innovation in the 21st-Century Classroom ” Call for Proposals

The city of Charleston (originally Charles Town after King Charles II of England) sits at the confluence of the Ashley and Cooper Rivers. Today, the city is known for its historical importance, playing an important role in the Revolutionary War, for example, but it is also a thriving contemporary city.  We take these geographical and historical circumstances as inspiration for the theme of our 52nd annual TYCA-SE meeting, where we will focus on the theme, “Confluent Teaching: Merging Tradition and Innovation in the 21st-Century Classroom.” Just as the Ashley and Cooper Rivers merge into the Atlantic Ocean, becoming altogether stronger upon joining forces, so do our teaching practices become the strongest when we merge tradition and innovation, much like the city of Charleston does today. 

The 2017 TYCA-SE conference will accept proposals that address the teaching of English in the two-year college or that center on teaching the first two years of English at a four-year institution. More specifically, we seek proposals that consider the ideas implied in the conference theme. In what ways is your teaching confluent? Do you collaborate with colleagues to develop stronger curriculum? Do you co-teach? In what ways do you merge tradition and innovation in your classroom? What best practices do you reuse each year as “tried and true” vs. those items that need to be updated every semester? In what ways can you facilitate the comingling of student efforts to create a stronger confluent classroom?

As we meet together in Charleston, we encourage presentations with a foundation in pedagogical theory, but which focus on practical techniques for some of the following situations:

•    collaborative teaching efforts

•    innovative technology uses

•    “tried and true” teaching techniques

•    finding and introducing new texts

•    interdisciplinary teaching

We hope that this conference inspires you to consider the ways in which collaboration and innovation can strengthen your classroom performance, reenergize your outlook on our profession, and enrich your work life.  Please make plans now to submit your proposal for a session at TYCA-SE 2017 in Charleston, South Carolina.

Pre-Conference Opportunities

Old Exchange Building and Provost Dungeon Tour, Thursday, 10-11 am

The Old Exchange is a “must-see”’ for all Charleston visitors. During your visit, you will discover this building’s integral role in our country’s quest for independence and its important service to our young nation. In addition to its historical significance, this building is rumored to be haunted!  $10 entry fee will be paid at the Dungeon; a Local Host will accompany the group to the site.

Writing Marathon I, Thursday, 9 am-12 pm

One way to truly experience a city is to write about it. Come join us for a writing marathon, a three-hour journey around Charleston driven by the power of the pen. We will start in Marion Square, a location central to sites worthy of words, such as Mother Emmanuel, the Joseph Manigault House, the Philip Simmons Garden, and so much more. We will walk, we will write, we will share. Bring your walking shoes, a journal, and your pen – and be ready to see what Charleston says through you.


Post-Conference Opportunities

Fort Sumter Tour, Saturday, 2-4:45 pm

Stand on the grounds where America’s deadliest war began at Fort Sumter National Monument. The first shots were fired here, igniting a conflict that saw more than 700,000 casualties. Experience a feeling of patriotic pride while a National Park Ranger brings each feature to life, evoking images of mortar shells and cannonfire. Your one-hour visit to Fort Sumter allows ample time to explore well-preserved fort ruins and browse Museum Shop souvenirs. $20 entry fee to be included with conference registration.

Writing Marathon II, Saturday, 1-4 pm

One way to truly experience a city is to write about it. Come join us for writing a marathon, a three-hour journey around Charleston driven by the power of the pen. We will start in Marion Square, a location central to sites worthy of words, such as Mother Emmanuel, the Joseph Manigault House, the Philip Simmons Garden, and so much more. We will walk, we will write, we will share. Bring your walking shoes, a journal, and your pen – and be ready to see what Charleston says through you. (This event is a repeat of the pre-conference offering.)


Tentative Schedule

Wednesday, February 22, 2017

10:00am-4:00pm   REC Meeting
5:00-7:00pm          Registration
8:30pm-Midnight   Chair’s Reception


Thursday, February 23, 2017

8:00am-5:00pm Registration
9:00am-12:00pm  Pre-Conference Opportunities
                               (Meet in Pedestrian Corridor) 
10:00am-5:00pm  Publishers’ Exhibits
1:00-2:45pm          Opening Plenary Session
5:00-7:00pm         Hospitality Suite open
3:00-5:00pm         Voting for REC Candidates
3:00-3:45pm         Concurrent Session I
4:00-4:45pm         Concurrent Session II
5:15-6:30pm          Cowan/Doster Awards Session & Reception
8:00-10:00pm       Creative Writing Readings and Dessert        
9:00pm-Midnight  Hospitality Suite open


Friday, February 24, 2017

8:00am-5:00pm   Registration
8:00am-5:00pm   Publishers’ Exhibits
8:00-11:00am        Voting for REC Candidates
8:00-8:45am         Concurrent Session III
9:00-9:45am         Concurrent Session IV
10:00-10:45am      Concurrent Session V
11:00-11:45am        State Meetings
12:00-1:45pm        Luncheon
2:15-3:00pm         Concurrent Session VI
3:15-4:00pm         Concurrent Session VII
4:00pm-Midnight Hospitality Suite Open
4:15-5:00pm         REC Meeting
7:00-10:00pm       TYCA-SE Party at Canon Green

Saturday, February 25, 2017

8:00-10:30am       Publishers’ Exhibits
8:00-8:45am        Concurrent Session VIII
9:00-9:45am        Concurrent Session IX
10:00-10:45am     Concurrent Session X
11:00am-12:15pm Closing Session
